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Pacific Resort Rarotonga

Boutique family accommodation in Rarotonga…Pacific Resort Rarotonga is the perfect blend of luxury, boutique accommodation right here in the Cook Islands. Couple this with our family friendly environment and it’s a great place for couples, families and those looking to have a relaxing stay. Our 4.5-star, full service resort offers an intimate collection of just 64 rooms, suites and villas set in the beautiful surrounds of our manicured gardens and beachfront location.

Enjoying prime beachfront location on the stunningly beautiful Muri Beach, you can dine amongst the garde at Sandals Restaurant or enjoy a tropical cocktail and watch the sunset at the Barefoot Bar. Our complimentary Kids Club provides some great activities for the little ones and we also have free kayaks and stand up paddle boards which are perfect for exploring the lagoon. With a swimming pool tucked away and surrounded by the tropical gardens and great daily activities, you will never be short of things to do.

All that’s left for you to do when you arrive is kick back and relax…we’ll take care of the rest.

Welcome to Happiness, Welcome to Pacific Resort Rarotonga.

Pacific Resort Rarotonga Accommodation

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